Inspire Me – Breakthrough
It hurts, finding your true self through the broken pieces of your life. You can’t go around it, under it, or even over it. You must breakthrough it.
Where Beauty and Meaning Exist
It hurts, finding your true self through the broken pieces of your life. You can’t go around it, under it, or even over it. You must breakthrough it.
The Bible is like no other book in human history. With a message for all, a child and a scholar can find equal delight in its simple, life-relating principles. is a 501(c)(3) established in response to the November 2018 Campfire that decimated the town of Paradise, CA leaving more than 50,000 displaced.
James “Iron Cowboy” Lawrence completed 50 Ironman triathlons, in 50 states, in 50 days. Together with his daughter Lucy, they share that success is achieved in the mind much quicker than in the body.