Inspire Me – Iron Cowboy
James “Iron Cowboy” Lawrence completed 50 Ironman triathlons, in 50 states, in 50 days. Together with his daughter Lucy, they share that success is achieved in the mind much quicker than in the body.
Where Beauty and Meaning Exist
James “Iron Cowboy” Lawrence completed 50 Ironman triathlons, in 50 states, in 50 days. Together with his daughter Lucy, they share that success is achieved in the mind much quicker than in the body.
People who’ve aged into mid-life often find themselves looking back to younger days to a place they once used for solitude to ponder an unknown future.
Few places inspire tourists and sight-seers like the Grand Canyon. Unmatched in its vastness, the view is breathtaking, encompassing the entire horizon.
Cheri never had a child of her own, but she had seen her daughter before, in a dream, over 20 years ago. The daughter that never was.