Inspire Me – Change Your Mindset

Eye of the Beholder - Inspire Me - Change Your Mindset
The biggest thing standing in our way is our own minds.” Colin O’Brady

How do you move from lying in a hospital bed clinging to life to standing victoriously on the top of the world’s seven tallest mountains?

Change Your Mindset.

I first encountered this inspiring video as part of My Journey, a Christian growth program by My Virtual Mentor. It has left a lasting impression on me.

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Colin O’Brady has a story about overcoming. A young man with his whole life ahead of him was struck down by a tragic accident. Lying alone in a hospital bed far from home with a life altering injury, he wondered what kind of life he could possibly have, or if he’d even live long enough to find out.

Someone stepped in to help Colin answer that question … Mom. She knew just what to do to inspire her son to dig deep, to “change your mindset“, and find a new life purpose. He took the first excruciating steps that would give him a new lease on life. Steps that brought him to his knees, while simultaneously teaching him one of life’s greatest lessons.

Now a champion triathlete, world record holder, and mountaineer who conquered The Explorers Grand Slam in a world record shattering 139 days, Colin knows that the biggest thing standing in our way is our own minds.

Achievement is not for a select few, it’s for those who never quit.”  Watch video.

James 5:11
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Steve Coryell