EmergencyRV.org provides urgently needed shelter to first responders and victims of wildfires or other natural disasters.
I learned about EmergencyRV.org on a recent ABC News story profiling a father and daughter team who are helping victims of wildfires and natural disasters in need of emergency housing. Woody Faircloth and his 9-year-old daughter, Luna, have donated RVs to nearly 100 families who’ve lost their homes.
EmergencyRV.org was started in response to the tragic November 2018 Campfire, which decimated the entire town of Paradise, California leaving more than 50,000 residents traumatized and displaced.
The ongoing wildfires in California have devastated communities. We want to find them all shelter as soon as possible.
Woody Faircloth
My favorite part is helping others, and hanging out with my dad.
Luna Faircloth
When I saw this story and read about Emergency RV.org online, I was definitely inspired and knew I wanted to feature these wonderful people on Eye of the Beholder.
Besides being a genuine and touching act of kindness, the whole idea stirred some memories of my own dance with disaster. My experience pales in comparison to the devastating impact of a wildfire, but I have a small appreciation for what it feels like to be displaced from your home by Mother Nature.
On October 26, 2019 my wife and I were caught in a storm in Kentucky traveling from Kansas City to Nashville. We were living the full-time RV Life at that time, so we were towing our home behind us that day.
The storm came upon us with almost no warning. The GPS system flashed a warning about high winds by the time we were already in it. I immediately exited the interstate to seek shelter, but it was too late.
Thankfully, we had some amazing friends who stepped-up to help us through that ordeal. I can only imagine how grateful those families were in California when Woody and Luna showed-up with an RV just for them. What an amazing thing!
Watch this video and read a detailed account of the experience.
See RV Life – Year 3 – Falling Down for more insight from our fateful October day.
I’m reminded of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Do you think we can call the Faircloth family good Samaritans?
Support EmergencyRV.org
Message from Woody Faircloth – October 12, 2022
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