Full circle moments can offer profound, life impacting meaning to those who experience them.
Full Circle – The Psychology
Psychology Today explores the nature of the epiphany, where Elise Ballard observes …
It’s been very interesting to notice that every single person I’ve talked to, whether the person has spiritual beliefs or not, speaks of these kinds of moments with a sense of reverence.

This point of view seems to be one of introspection. The Inspire Conversation blog reminds us that …
When we take time to reflect on who we are, where we are, what we are doing and where we are going; we regain our center.
For most of us, life events prompt us to evaluate our life journey within a specific context.
The context could be our career path, family life, a romantic relationship, or any number of human dynamics that we experience in our daily growth.
As a result, our perspective defines the context and its impact upon us.
It’s been said that every so often, we need to take stock of where we are, what we are doing, and see if it aligns with our true intent. I suspect Oprah did this. Oprah’s view of her own self-worth over the 25-year history of her show was surely altered drastically.
During those years her personal growth was realized in small steps along the way until one day she experienced that Aha! moment where she felt a profound shift in her own psychology. She realized the incredible value she could finally see in herself and how far she had come.
Do you see your value?
For You formed my inward parts. You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

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